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Move Over, Pride and Sloth: Make Room for the 7 Deadly Sins of Customer Experience (part 1 of 2)

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Improving your clients’ and candidates’ customer experience benefits everyone in the staffing equation:

  • Employers get the staffing and recruiting solutions they need, delivered in a seamless, timely, cost-effective way from a partner they trust (and even like).
  • Job seekers get the opportunities, care and respect they deserve.
  • You get happier, more loyal clients and candidates (and a healthier bottom line!).

But delivering great CX is about much more than being nice and responsive.

Every staffing firm says they are easy to work with, making it extremely difficult to use CX as a point of competitive differentiation. So, if your staffing firm wants to hang its hat on the quality of service you deliver, make sure yours is truly exceptional – and that you’re not committing one of these 7 deadly sins from McKinsey & Company:


Many staffing professionals attempt to evolve their CX with no real understanding of what their staffing service will look like once the transformation is complete. Instead, they plunge headfirst into the process with no clear vision, targets or ways to measure success.

Staffing firms that successfully raise the bar:

  • start by defining a distinct, compelling and ambitious vision for what the customer experience will look like once CX improvements are complete;
  • set clear goals and measurable objectives to track progress;
  • create detailed plans for changing both processes and their culture to be more customer-focused.


Elevating CX requires coordinated effort from everyone in a staffing organization, whether or not they interact directly with customers. For example, a staffing firm that decides to implement online timekeeping will need the commitment of senior leaders, IT, accounting, sales, marketing, recruiting and support personnel to make the change.

Measurable staffing CX improvements occur in firms that make it a formal, strategic priority. Leadership buy-in is essential to securing the cross-functional alignment needed for success.


While some CX improvements are free (it doesn’t cost anything to serve customers with a smile), most transformations require substantial investment. Staffing firms that launch CX initiatives with no sense of the business value those changes will deliver have no objective way to evaluate their merit.

Before committing any resources, staffing firms should:

Staffing agencies that know what each aspect of customer satisfaction is worth to their organization do a better job choosing where to focus their efforts.

Need help improving your CX?

Haley Marketing provides a full complement of solutions to help you transform client and candidate customer experience. How can we help?

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