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What Kind of Staffing Customer is TWICE as Valuable as a Highly Satisfied One?

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We all know that satisfied staffing customers are more loyal. Spend more with your staffing firm. And are more likely to recommend your agency to others.

But there’s a type of customer that’s 2x as valuable as a satisfied one to your staffing service:

An emotionally connected one.

(I’ll give you a second to let that sink in.)

Research presented in this HBR article proves that, on a lifetime value basis, emotionally connected customers are more than twice as valuable as highly satisfied customers – and that the best way to maximize a customer’s value is to move beyond customer satisfaction and fulfill their deep, often unspoken, emotional needs.

There’s a fundamental disconnect in staffing customer experience.

While staffing firms typically focus on the execution side of CX, most customers (especially candidates) want more focus on the emotional side of experiences. Here are a few high-impact, emotional motivators you should appeal to, to create a greater emotional connection with your clients and candidates:

Standing out from the crowd.

Your staffing firm can leverage this motivator by differentiating yourself better. Explain how the ways your service is unique – and how those differences create value for your clients and candidates.

Having confidence in the future / feeling secure.

Tap into these motivators by detailing the ways your solutions will create a brighter, more secure future for employers and job seekers. In sales presentations, explain the positive ripple effect smart staffing has on an organization over the long term. For candidates, detail the ways temporary assignments and direct placement services allow them to advance their career.

Enjoying a sense of well-being.

What employer doesn’t want staffing, hiring and HR management to be simpler and free of worry? What job seeker doesn’t want a fast, stress-free search that results in a great job? In your sales and marketing materials tap into these desires to strengthen the emotional bond you create with your audience.

Feeling a sense of belonging.

Feeling as though they are part of a group is an especially important motivator to job seekers. Tap into it by:

  • using team-oriented, inclusive language;
  • offering frequent formal and informal recognition to celebrate field associates’ successes;
  • holding employee appreciation events;
  • providing robust career resources on your website;
  • regularly communicating with field associates (hint: HaleyMail is a great way to stay in touch with candidates!);
  • showcasing top talent on your website, so job seekers know you’re working hard to find them a job.

Final Thoughts

These are just a handful of the high-impact motivators shared in Alan Zorfas’ and Daniel Leemon’s article; honestly, there are hundreds of emotional factors that impact clients’ and candidates’ behavior. To create stronger emotional connections with employers and job seekers, identify three or four that are relevant for your staffing firm’s brand and services. Then, improve your customer experience (and your marketing messaging) in these areas to create stronger emotional connections – and more valuable customers.

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