Graph Search Comes to Facebook

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Last week, Facebook announced a new feature called Graph Search. There are still many questions about how it works, and the company is just beginning to release it to a test group (we’re on the waiting list currently), but we still wanted to let you know what was coming up. From the live event, we found that it will be much easier to search for a number of things –

Some examples you can search for are:

–          “photos that I liked that I commented on”

–          “people that live near me that like Tina Fey”

–          “people that live near me that work at Microsoft”

–          “staffing agencies in Philadelphia”

 So you can see how this could be very useful to your company.

Now the big question… how do you make sure that people find you easily?

There are multiple ways that we know of right now that will optimize your company for Facebook search –

–          Your information in the “About” section is correct and up to date

–          Your category is properly defined

–          Vanity URLs – using your business name

–          Correct address on your page

–          Attracting real fans, not phony ones that won’t interact and aren’t interested in similar things that real fans would be

I know that there will be plenty of other things that will come up and that we will figure out once we get a chance to see some real data on this new feature, but until then we’ll be sure to keep you up to date. If you have any questions about the latest developments in Social Media or Search, please contact us, we’d be happy to talk with you.


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