Whether you mail them out, drop them off, or use them in sales calls, having your own magazine will truly make your company stand out and strengthen your positioning.
These print and digital magazines are fully branded to your company and sold on a market exclusive basis.
Bi-monthly magazine addressing hot topics in HR along with talent management best practices.
Content comes from leading HR experts, and each issue is customized with:
Bi-monthly magazine addressing workforce management for manufacturing, distribution, and other users of light industrial staffing.
Content focuses on safety, productivity, and other topics related to contingent workforce management. Each issue is customized with:
Looking for a custom publication for your company? Let us design a print and/or digital magazine to your exact specifications.
Keep your company top-of-mind with a monthly email newsletter based on your Insights content.
Just like the magazines, your newsletter will be fully branded to you and filled with great educational articles.
A library of past Insights articles for your website on HR, leadership, and workforce management.
You’ll also get a bookshelf with digital versions of all your Insights magazines.
Just fill out the form and our team will be in touch.
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