So you want to get your information out to your contacts but are looking for more ways to do it. You write a blog once a week and share it on your social media sites. You also have a monthly email newsletter that reaches your candidates and clients. But how do your spread your content even further?
The answer is — your employees.
A majority of employees have social media accounts and connect with friends, family and, most importantly, professional contacts. LinkedIn is the most preferred social media site for professional networking. Your employees are able to build relationships with individuals that they have worked with, gone to school with, or have serviced. All of these people are potential contacts to reach with your marketing efforts.
Let’s do some math…
10 Employees have personal LinkedIn Profiles x Each employee has 100 connections
= 1000 professionals that will see your status update!
And have the potential to read your update and take action.
This is the power of social media. You have the ability to reach a vast network of individuals instantly. So why wouldn’t you use your employees professional network as a target audience?
Here are some status updates that will help drive more traffic and expand the reach of your content.
Blog Posts: While you are sharing your blog posts on your company social media page, having internal employees share your quality content is essential! You are writing great content that is being found by organic searches, but what if you were able to target industry leaders that you have connected with? By posting on social sites, your employee’s professional network will be able to see your blog post, visit your site, and learn more.
One general staffing client, located in Texas, saw a 30% increase in referrals to their website from LinkedIn, just by sharing blog posts on a handful of their employee profiles.
Newsletter Delivery: I don’t know about you, but I think sometimes emails get lost in the shuffle. Your candidates and clients are constantly on their phones checking and filtering their emails; how can you get them to keep an eye out for yours?
When your newsletter is scheduled for delivery, post an announcement on your company social media profiles. Then, ask your employees to share the update on their personal accounts. If your employees have connected with candidates or clients that may be on your data list, just by giving them a “heads up” could be the difference between a deleted and a read email.
Posting Events and Press Releases: Below I posted a Haley Marketing announcement. My 475 professional connections will see that Haley is hosting a webinar about Google search. The status also links the reader directly to the sign-up form.
By sharing these announcements, I am expanding the reach of the newsletter sign up form beyond our monthly email. Using your employee’s professional networks will help your business share quality content and announcements to a much larger audience.
The goal of your marketing efforts is to drive traffic to your website, educate the visitor, and have them take action. If one employee shares a blog post on their personal profile and one of their connections visits your site and decides to pick up the phone – you have developed a new lead.
For more information on social media marketing techniques, contact Haley Marketing today. Our team of social media marketing experts, has the experience and resources to help you develop a social marketing strategy.
If you have not already, please connect with me on LinkedIn or Google+ . We look forward to working with you.