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Managing Your Online Reputation

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The Haley Marketing team had the opportunity to hear Chris Malone, author of The Human Brand, speak yesterday. Chris shared his expertise through great examples and insight on how our personal judgment plays a role in our relationships and feelings for not only companies and their brands, but also people and their personal brands.

There are several imperative points shared in The Human Brand which explain the importance of engaging with someone in a manner that helps to create a strong relationship between two people. Chris had a lot of great insight, but one comment really resonated with me.

“Reputation can be won or lost in a day with the click of a mouse.”

In a day and age where social media and online reputation is infinitely important, many brands don’t realize how easy it is for that reputation to change. A simple click of a mouse can change an impression. A Tweet, a Facebook post or an online review can shape other’s perspectives.

With that being said, can you afford to ignore what people are saying about you online? Is it wise to know that these online outlets exist, but play no part in how they shape your brand?

Chris shared an example about how a man, grateful for the kind act of a local restaurant, went to social media to share his thanks. He wrote a post on Facebook, and tagged the restaurant. This post exploded, with thousands of comments and shares in a short amount of time. I think the takeaway from this is twofold:

Firstly, your reputation is influenced by many, many factors. This includes online reviews. According to MarketingCharts, 80% of people say they trust online reviews from strangers as much as they trust a personal recommendation. The amount of interaction on the Facebook post in the above example shows that people are influenced by what others post about a brand. If the comment was negative, it could have had a very negative impact on the reputation of that brand.

Secondly, the human influence behind your brand is key. Your brand reputation, whether for your company or yourself, rests on the judgment of other people. These judgments are based on the emotional response someone feels to your brand. Your actions, words and nonverbal communication all play a role in the bigger picture.

So, what does this mean for your staffing company? Take a look at what your online reviews say about you. Do you have a strong social media presence? Does your online reputation portray what you believe your reputation is?

If you have questions or need assistance managing your online reputation, reach out to our experienced marketing advisors at Haley Marketing Group. For more insight on how individuals relate to people, products and companies, visit The Human Brand online.

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