Do You Know Your Goals? Here’s When to Take a Step Back and Reevaluate

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Do You Know Your Goals? Here’s When to Take a Step Back and Reevaluate

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routine of accomplishing tasks, crossing reminders off your to-do list or answering endless e-mails.

Before we know it, weeks or months have passed by and we don’t what’s up from down. Papers keep getting pushed, jobs are being placed and candidates are walking through the doors at what seems like an endless pace as we just try to stay afloat. On a short-term basis, this works.

However, at the end of the day, you and your co-workers have no idea if you’re truly successful. Yes, if the company is making money then you’re probably doing something right. But in the long run, that’s not going to be good enough.

If you don’t have any way to measure your actions, then how do you know if your business is being running efficiently? Not being able to answer that question means it’s time to step back and create ways to measure your processes.

Here are some tips to help:

What are your goals?

You need to start at the beginning. If you don’t know what you want to measure then how will you know what processes to put in place? How many job placements did you achieve? How many new candidates did you acquire? Did your social media following increase? What is your annual retention rate? Those are just some of the examples that seem basic but will return quality data.

What is it worth?

Now this might take some work and planning. For every person who submits a form on the contact page on your website, what’s the monetary value for your company? You might not have it right now but look at your data and revenue and place value on different actions.  

How often should you measure?

Think of it like an investment portfolio. If you get caught up in the daily results, then you can make ill-advised decisions that you will regret in the future. Do you need weekly data? Do you make decisions on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or yearly basis? Stay true to these timeframes.

Don’t forget relationships!

Numbers are great, and all the data in the world can help us make decisions. At the end of the day, we still need to be able to get out there and connect with co-workers, other companies or job candidates. People can get caught up in meeting their goals and in numbers, but if you become too focused on meeting those goals then no one will want to talk to you.

With all of our programs, we work with our clients to create goals and then use metrics to see what’s successful and what needs tweaking.

The Haley Marketing Group prides itself on building relationships with our clients and doing what is best for them and what is best for us. Find out more about all of our great products here where we work with you to develop goals and create plans to reach them. 


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