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3 Quick Edits To Freshen Up Your Website

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We’ve all been there.  Your website was built a year or two ago, and traffic to your job board and Contact Us page continue to climb.  But you have that nagging feeling – have best practices changed in the past year that could adversely affect the traffic coming to my site?

If you haven’t been planning to update your site, you should start thinking about it!

At Haley Marketing Group, we build our websites by following best practices to give our clients the highest ROI possible.  It’s time to take a look at these recent improvements in website building to make sure your site is up to date and attracting the most traffic possible.

  1. Update your sidebar. If you’ve had your site live for a year or so, it’s time to evaluate what content you want to show in your sidebar.  Is that sidebar content working for you?  Is it showing the right information and driving traffic to the correct spots?  What does it show, a feed of your available jobs?  Links to your online application?  Take a moment to evaluate what goals your company is trying to fulfill and change your sidebar to meet those goals!  If you’re trying to drive anyone and everyone to apply, add an “Apply Now!” graphic that leads to your job board.  Are you more concerned with getting the right person for that important position you need to fill?  Have a feed of “Featured Jobs” in your sidebar.
  2. Utilize Social Proof. More and more visitors to websites are looking for ways to connect with you and your staff.  Recently, “Social Proof” has helped drive traffic to social media pages for companies.  What is this?  It’s proof that you’re engaging on social media!  Whether it is including the number count of followers for Twitter displayed next to the Twitter icon, a Twitter feed of recent posts, or the amount of Likes on your Facebook page, it’s time to show off, on your website, how many people are interacting with you on social media.
  3. Call to action banners. These have been around for a little while, and are still a great way to drive traffic to take a specific action.  Do you want your readers to read an eBook on your benefits package?  How about a link to a referral form?  Focus the attention of your reader on a specific outcome and help drive traffic there.

It’s time to log into your website and start updating.   It’s time to get more out of your website and drive traffic to targeted pages on your site.

Have questions?  The social media and website design experts at Haley Marketing Group are here to help.  Reach out to us today.

Or click below for a great eBook on creating a Killer Staffing Website.

(See?  I told you calls-to-action work!  Now click on that eBook!)

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