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Navigating Your Social Recruiting on Facebook in 2019 – Part 1

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Around a year ago, Facebook announced it was making changes to the newsfeed with the hopes of increasing user engagement. The goal was to prioritize what family and friends share over content from businesses and brands. Let’s take a closer look at some of these changes.

Meaningful Interactions

One of the biggest changes to Facebook was the importance of creating meaningful conversations. Instead of predicting what brands users will be receptive to, Facebook shifted focus to predicting which posts will generate the most comments and shares. In other words, if your content is not getting likes, shares or comments, it will be seen less by audiences.

Facebook also decided to crack down on what they call “engagement bait” posts. These are any kind of posts that come off as spammy and trick people into commenting or liking the post.

How Facebook Ranks Content

One of the top-ranking factors for this new Facebook algorithm is comments. If your content is not generating comments, its reach will decrease.

Comment replies are also very important. If you post about an available job and someone replies with a question, be sure to answer them! Not only is this a good business practice, it’ll also ensure your content is seen by a larger audience.

It’s also not enough that post gets shared, they must also get engagement on that share in order to be prioritized in the algorithm.

Facebook algorithms also look at how informative the post is and if people are likely to read and interact with it.

So, what now?

While it may seem like all hope is lost when it comes to posting on Facebook, this is not the case. Throughout the next couple of months, we will introduce different ways to utilize Facebook to source candidates and generate applications. This includes posting to groups, taking advantage of Facebook jobs and using paid promotion. Stay tuned for more!


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