Shira Boyle’s “Bug Bites” – (figurative and literal)

Shira Boyle whitewater rafting during travels
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By day, we’re marketing geeks. Computer nerds. Quirky writers and artists. And damn proud of it!

But after hours, our team members shed their marketing capes – and pursue all kinds of cool Hobbies, Interests and Talents (we call them HITs for short).

Here’s what Marketing Support Specialist Shira Boyle is into:

HIT: International Travel

Travel bug bites baby…

I was born in Israel. Our family traveled a lot when I was a kid, so by the age of three I was already bitten by the proverbial “travel bug.”

Throughout my childhood, we took trips to Europe. Then, when we moved to the United States, we took cross-country road trips to explore new states, and also took summer trips to visit family back in Israel.

What are the best parts about travel?

Going abroad has helped me grow as a person. I’ve learned to deal with new situations, navigate unknown places and converse with people who speak another language.

Wherever I go, I look forward to trying local cuisine. And I have to say, there’s something special about the anonymity that comes with seeing the sights in a new city.

Perhaps most importantly, traveling is an experience I’ve been able to share with my family. Now that I have a daughter, I’m hoping to continue exploring new places with her.

Bitten by a different type of bug…

One of my funniest travel memories was when we went to Yosemite, and a ranger came to tell us that if we saw a bear we should make loud noises to scare it off.

At that exact moment I realized I was sitting on a log covered in fire ants and started screaming like a banshee. The ranger said that she didn’t think we would need to worry about any bears any time soon 😂


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