I just got back in the office after a wonderful family vacation. I didn’t come back to the office with an overflowing inbox though. Why not? Because even on vacation I checked my email several times each day, clearing out the clutter and responding as needed. I wasn’t alone. My husband brought along his iphone and laptop too. Our kids are used to it.
I noticed while waiting in line (for the new Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey – great ride!), we were surrounded by dozens of other parents who were also busily tapping away on their smartphones. According to results of a recent online survey conducted on behalf of Xobni by Harris Interactive, 50% of all Americans email while on vacation.
In fact, 72% of Americans check email outside of regular business hours. Almost half (46%) responded that they check work e-mail off-hours to ease their workload. 37% are afraid they’ll miss something important, and 27% stated that it is expected of them. 18% believe it is the way to achieve career success.
So, how about you? Do you check your email while on vacation? Why? or Why not?