I changed the original title of this blog post last-minute, because it was such a snoozefest. Frankly, I knew nobody would want to read a post about “customer documentation.”
But two recent posts by Adam Toporek galvanized my belief that effectively documenting customer interaction is instrumental in delivering shareworthy service. If you don’t have time (or can’t stay awake long enough) to read these posts, here are the main points:
- Documentation is more than just information. It’s recording the right information for the sake of future experiences (i.e., a client’s prior experiences with your staffing firm will impact the types/level of service you deliver in the future). And documentation shouldn’t be done merely to “CYA,” but to “TCC” (take care of the customer).
- Great documentation means happier clients. Customers hate repeating their story. Thorough documentation, including a complete service history, saves both you and your clients valuable time and frustration – automatically improving the service experience.
- More information is not necessarily better. The more you record, the more you have to sort through to find what you need. Determine those pieces of information vital to serving your customers – prior job orders, types of personnel most frequently requested, complaint history (including outcomes) – and document them concisely in a standard, organized way.
- Train your staff to consistently document the essentials:
- Time and date. Simple, yet often overlooked! In addition to individual dates/times, document time periods over which issues occur.
- Names and vital contact information. Make it easier for others to use the information by including preferred methods of contact, job titles, phone extensions and other helpful details.
- Relevant ordering information. When was the last time the client did business with you? What was the outcome?
- Details that CYA and TCC. Document details that cover yourself, and also those that will help you serve the customer better in the future.
- Action items to resolve the issue. Record what the client is looking for as a resolution. If the issue is escalated internally, the next person to assist your client will understand his end-goal.
- Follow-up necessary. If it’s required, schedule action items and notify anyone who is involved in the process. This way, follow-up won’t slip through the cracks.
Final Thoughts
Great staffing documentation may not be the most exciting topic, but it’s critical to creating a service culture and delivering shareworthy experiences, every time. So wake up and critically examine your documentation processes. Find ways to improve the quality, while controlling the quantity of information you collect, and you’ll serve your clients more quickly and efficiently.