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Infographic: 10 ways to turn cold calls into hot contacts

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Forget Cold Calls:
10 Ways to Make Hot Contacts

15 to 20 contacts a day.

That’s the goal many companies are setting for their account managers. Challenging, but achievable.

But what happens when all your competitors have this goal? Multiply those 15 to 20 contacts by the number of competitors in your market. That’s how many sales calls are being made each and every day. If you then divide that total by the number of prospects in town, do you know what you get?

Prospects who are sick and tired of being cold called!

At Haley Marketing, we encourage our clients to create a Valid Business Reason for every interruption. Simply put, we want every communication to add value and enhance the relationship our clients are working to create.

What’s a Valid Business Reason for interrupting someone’s day?

Consider these 10 ideas:

1. Solve a problem

How to’s on issues that matter to your customers (kind of like what you are reading right now!)

Tips on leadership, management, hiring, motivation, productivity improvement, cost control, technology, and any other topics that are relevant to the recipient’s job function.

2. Share local & industry news

Forward articles you see in the paper

Share stories you find about companies that are in your clients’s industries

Share experiences and trends you’re seeing in the market

3. Provide statistics

Publish data that would interest your prospects, such as industry trends, hiring costs, turnover costs, etc.

4. Offer access to competitive data

For example, you may know the salaries and benefit programs other companies are offering to attract and retain top talent. By sharing that information, you become a valuable resource for planning hiring strategies.

5. Thank you’s – cards, gifts, calls

People like to be appreciated.

6. Educate

Teach people how, when and why to use your services. Show people the types of problems you can solve, and how easy (and cost-effective) it is to use your services.

7. Humor

A good joke can be a great relationship builder. Just keep it appropriate and don’t over-do it.

8. Case studies

Show how real companies are solving real problems using the services you provide.

9. Puzzles, brain-teasers and trivia

While these may seem irrelevant, providing occasional “fun breaks” can be a great way to create involvement and get people to respond to you.

10. Training and professional development

Teach your clients and prospects relevant skills (e.g., how to hire) that help them become better consumers of your services. This can be done through seminars, direct mail, e-mail, webcasts or teleconferences.

The Value of Adding Value

So what does all this “Valid Business Reason” stuff do for you? It will turn cold calls into hot contacts. How? Find out with this free How-To article from Haley Marketing:

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