Your Social Media Wake Up Call

A Social Media Wake Up Call for the Staffing Industry | Haley Marketing Group
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“Facebook is child’s play.”

“I’m kinda too old for social media.”

“I see the importance of social media, but I don’t have the time for that.”

These statements have all been said to me over the past year. And, all of them made me secretly cringe at my desk.

As a Social Media Marketing Advisor at Haley Marketing Group, I’ve heard a lot of excuses for why social media won’t work for particular clients. Well, with 2015 upon us, I’m here to tell you that it will work and, with the proper strategy, you can create a social presence better than your competitor’s.

Introducing the Social Media Workout from Haley Marketing Group

If you work out on a regular basis, do you remember that first day in the gym? Better yet, do you remember the day after? It was tough! But after one week, one month, three months, the results started to become visible and the gym didn’t seem like a chore anymore. In fact, it became fun!

Similarly, a social media strategy might seem like a pain at first. Posting daily content to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ might seem downright dreadful, but, if you stick with it, I promise you will start to see results. And, once those results start, you’re not going to want to stop.

Next month, I will be launching a full social media checklist and weekly “workout program” for the beginner social media manager.

For now, I want to start with the basics, the “warm up” before the workout, so to speak.

Creating Your Social Media Profiles

That’s right; we’re going to start from the very foundation, making social profiles for your staffing firm. I’m not going to reinvent the wheel, instead, for specific steps on creating your pages, visit the following:

Next Steps

The links above will guide you step by step through making your company social media profiles.

When we meet again, I’ll be providing a thorough social media workout strategy for you to follow. Your task until then? Get your company accounts set up. Stop giving in to the excuses and the reasons to NOT be social in 2015.

Need a Personal Trainer?

No one likes to work out alone. If the goal I’ve laid out above is something you would like additional assistance with, contact the Social Media Advisors at Haley Marketing Group, or reach out to me directly via Twitter or LinkedIn.

We’re happy to help you on your path to success.

Stay Focused.

Let’s Crush 2015.


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