Last week, we talked about the importance of bringing visitors back to your website. The engagement rate with website of returning visitors is much higher than new visitors, as they spend more than a minute longer on your website than a new visitor.
So now the million-dollar question – how do you get them back?
We will take a look at those strategies in a series of upcoming blog posts, but let’s start at the most basic (and probably the most important) level – CONTENT!
What Is Content Marketing?
Let’s not even think about marketing jargon but just a real-life situation. Why do you want to spend more time with your best friends? Why do you keep going back to your favorite restaurant? Why do you keep driving cars from the same automaker, flying on the same airline, staying in the same hotel brand, buying the same brand of clothes? The list is endless but the end point is the same.
Because you trust them.
You had great experiences and know what you’re getting. A trusting relationship has been developed, and there’s no reason to look for another option. If you have a bad experience or weren’t satisfied, then you are going to seek out something else.
Now we can take that real-life connection and apply it to the business world. Content marketing is creating content and sharing or publishing the content with the end goal of acquiring (and then retaining) customers.
Content marketing has really developed in recent years, and doesn’t appear to be going away anytime soon. What’s the number one place that your staffing company controls the message of every piece of content?
With total control of the messaging and design of your website, that’s the ultimate opportunity to prove that your website provides quality content to its users. When users find quality content, they will return.
What’s Good Content?
That content should be a combination of original content and shared content, with a higher percentage coming in the form of original content. Search engine algorithms (i.e. Google) index pages on web sites and if the content doesn’t provide unique value then your search engine optimization won’t be as high. Quality SEO will help drive more traffic to your website, which should result in more conversions for your staffing company.
Good content for each staffing company will be different and unique since each staffing company has unique goals. Some areas to think about come in your industry, location, goals of acquiring clients and/or candidates, personality of your company, etc.
At Haley Marketing, we have a robust blogging program that really helps staffing companies produce quality content for its website and develop trust among its website visitors. Our standard program features four blogs per month, with every piece of content being originally written for your website. When your website consistently features quality content to its users, then people will come back. As that consistency (and traffic) grows, then your website will appear even higher in search engines and your website traffic will grow organically. New visitors will come to your website and see the quality that your staffing company is delivering. Then they will come back and a great organic cycle develops.
When people come back, they develop a trust and as that trust grows, they will want to do business with your company when the opportunity is right for them.
Websites featuring great content is some of the best marketing your company can do. Don’t underestimate its importance and the effect on your staffing company.
Our Next Blog Post Will Take A Look at the Importance of Job Boards