I’m a big believer in fresh and relevant content and blog posts. It helps position you as an expert in the field, provides your target audience with value, keeps you top-of-mind and helps you improve your search engine rankings.
But that doesn’t mean older content isn’t valuable anymore. In fact, if you take a look, you will find that some pieces of older content still drive amazing traffic to your website months later. When used strategically, older content mixed with new content, can provide a great one-two punch that drives more visibility and inbound leads.
Here is how to use older content to drive more inbound leads:
Look at Google Analytics data.
Determine which of your past posts continue to get a high volume of traffic. Once you do, confirm they are still accurate (update any old statistics or outdated information) and add these to your “share list.”
Use BuzzSumo.
This is not only a great tool for planning original content, but it helps you gauge what past content is most popular. Visit www.buzzsumo.com and enter your website URL. It will show you what content on your site has been most shared. Add the most shared content to your “share list.”
Create graphics to share.
A study by Neo Mammalian Studios found that visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text. Plus they are just more fun to look at too! Overlay the article title onto a relevant photo and add your logo. Pull out a quote, statistic, or bullet point from the blog and turn that into a graphic. Add all of these images to your “share list.” Here is an example:
Start sharing!
Now that you have created this great “share list”, let’s put it to good use. I suggest using a tool like Bufferapp.com or Hootsuite to help manage posting to multiple social networks and accounts. When posting, be sure to include the graphics you created and use two relevant #hashtags with each post (a recent study showed two hashtags is the magic number – more than that and engagement tends to decrease).
Rinse and repeat.
Once you’ve shared a piece of content and received nice impressions and engagement, do it again! Not immediately of course but rotate in your top performing older content with your new content. Adjust your hashtags, titles, and images and repost.
Consider paid promotion.
Once you’ve singled out a great piece of content, pay to promote it. Use Facebook or LinkedIn sponsored content campaigns to reach your exact target audience with content you already know is a winner.
Use email.
Last but not least, mix this content into your email marketing efforts. Add a “Did you miss…” section to the bottom of your newsletter or even your email signature. This is a great way to get great performing content in front of more people.
Need content help?
Whether you need help developing or promoting your content, we’re here! We help staffing and recruiting firms around the world develop great content that gets engagement and conversions. Learn more about our staffing blogging and social media services.