Can I Get that Job with a Side of Fries?

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So are your potential candidates!

Thanks to ultra-powerful mobile tech, today’s job seekers are “consuming” your job postings on the go – faster than they can inhale an order of McDonald’s fries.

If you’re craving better ways to connect with top candidates when, where and how they search, be smart! Use these stats and tips to incorporate tech into your mobile recruiting strategy the right way – and deliver a better mobile experience:

Fast Facts on 2015 U.S. Smartphone Owners:

  • 43% have used their smartphone to look up information about a job in the past year.
  • Nearly 1 in 5 (18%) have used their phone to submit a job application in the last year.
  • “Smartphone-dependent” users are even more likely to use their mobile devices in the job search. 63% have gotten job information on their phone in the last year, and 39% have used their phone to apply for a job.
  • Among young adult smartphone owners (18-29 years old), 7 in 10 have used their phone to look up information about a job.

And here’s an equally impressive stat from our own data:

Across all our hosted clients in 2015, we saw 23% of all traffic come from mobile devices.

That’s nearly 1 in 4 french fries – er – people!

The facts about mobile’s ubiquity and value are undeniable:

  • All ages use mobile devices in their job searches.
  • All people, despite socioeconomic background or age, use mobile devices.
  • Mobile devices go everywhere.
  • Mobile job applications save time.

Therefore, your website and job board should be optimized for mobile.

Since such a large portion of your candidate interactions are now mobile experiences, you need to make sure that those experiences are seamless, satisfying and truly shareworthy. Here are a few pointers to assess and improve your mobile tech:

  • Start with a mobile “gut check.” Ask yourself: can your candidates interact with your staffing firm easily from mobile, every step of the way? Consider how convenient it is to search jobs, apply for jobs, receive assignment notifications, complete and submit timesheets, and contact a recruiter – right from a mobile device.
  • Survey your candidates and temporary employees. You may think your technology and processes are solid, but your users may have a completely different take. Find out their biggest wants – and biggest sources of frustration – when it comes to their mobile experience with your staffing firm. Combine what users say with what you know to develop baseline goals for your optimization efforts.
  • Weigh your options. Once you know what you’d like to accomplish, investigate which tools may be right for you. And believe me, there are a LOT of options out there. For example, Call-Em-All, Zipwhip and HeyWire are three mobile services allowing you to conveniently communicate with candidates via SMS (text message).
  • Read this Shareworthy Service post. In it, Vicki shares more great tips for improving your candidates’ mobile experience.

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