A new report from King Fish Media, Hubspot and Junta 42, has noted that 72% of companies polled have a social media marketing strategy. And of the 28% that don’t, 80% planned to develop a formal strategy within 12 months.
Companies Find Social Media “Worth the Investment” and Plan Spending Increases
The study went on to note that three quarters of companies are planning to increase their social media budgets over the next 12 months. Companies are tracking ROI based on the number of followers, traffic generated to their corporate websites, increased dialogues with clients/prospects and strengthened customer relationships.
How Does the Staffing Industry Compare?
Interestingly enough, from an industry standpoint I think staffing and recruiting firms are lagging behind a bit when it comes to social media involvement. A good majority of companies I talk with don’t have a formal strategy in place and have “dabbled” a bit in social media. With that said, more and more staffing and recruiting firms are entering the space and the firms that are there already have a head start. If you don’t have a formal plan in place, get one!
And if you would like to talk about where to start, or see examples of other staffing and recruiting firms that are doing it right, just give me a call (888-696-2900) or email.