Have a question about your job board? Updating your blog? Getting changes made to your website?
Your Haley Marketing team is here to help!
My name is Krista Fitzsimmons, and I’m the Project Coordinator here at Haley. As the point person on our support team, my job is to ensure you have all the information you need to make the most out Haley Marketing’s products and services.
When you have a support questions, here’s how you can best get your questions answered:
Step 1. Consult your training documents.
All of Haley Marketing’s products and services include detailed training documents that address most common questions. Your training documents are initially sent prior to your first training session, but it you ever need a copy of them, just let us know.
Step 2. Review our training videos.
As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words–and a great training video is worth even more! Our support team has created a series of training videos that provide step-by-step instructions for the most common technical tasks. Our training videos are available for your review on our product training blog.
Step 3. Email support.
If you have consulted the training document and videos, and still have an unresolved question, you can place a support ticket with our team by emailing your request to support at www.haleymarketing.com. By emailing this address, your request goes directly into our support queue, and this allows us to provide you with better service.
But wait…there’s more help coming soon!
In December 2011, we are going to introduce an all new online client support and services portal: Help Me, Haley!
Help Me, Haley! is be a dedicated web portal exclusively for Haley Marketing clients. It will give you access to all of our support tools and documents, but that’s not all. It will also give your team access to our Lunch with Haley webinars, the latest information about our products and services, and an easy way to submit questions to anyone on our team.
Check back soon as we prepare to launch Help Me, Haley!, but in the meantime, the steps above will help you keep your Haley products running smoothly.