Can your staffing firm be great at every aspect of service?
According to Harvard Business School professor Frances Frei, no. In this video, she explains why trying to be great at every aspect of customer service so often backfires for service organizations:
Her key takeaway points:
- The #1 obstacle to excellence is trying to be great at everything. When you strive for excellence in literally every aspect of your service, you’ll wind up with “exhausted mediocrity” – being average at everything.
- Getting over your need to be exceptional at everything is an emotional decision for service organizations. Most people struggle with the morality of the issue, thinking: “If I don’t provide perfect service, that’s just not right.”
- Once you get over this emotional barrier – and realize that, to be great at some things you have to be bad at others – you need to decide exactly what aspects of service you want to excel in.
- The best way to decide what service areas you should be great at is by asking your customers what’s most important to them.
The customer service lesson here? When it comes to delivering shareworthy service, stop trying to be great at everything – it will backfire. Instead, take a step back and analyze your service activities. Talk to your clients and find out what’s critical to them: accessibility? a streamlined ordering process? sophisticated staffing usage reports?
Listen to what your customer say. Adjust your strategy to be great at the service elements that matter most to them – and stop worrying about everything else.