Start Generating Leads & Applications with Your Blog Content

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10 Ways To Repurpose Content So you have a blog…Now what?

Well, if you’re running an SEO plugin and optimizing your articles for search results you’re winning part of the battle. But SEO is only a fraction of the overall strategy. And, while being on Google’s good side is definitely a huge step in making sure your content is found organically, there are countless other steps to influence the total visibility your article receives. 

  1. Tweet Something!
    With 243 million active users each month, why wouldn’t you? Take your blog article, find a couple noteworthy sentences or statistics and tweet them out to your followers. Make sure to always include a link back to the article and a call to action to read more. Not familiar with Twitter? That’s alright! Check out my article from December, If a Tweet Falls in the Woods Does Anybody Hear it?, for more tips and best practices.
  2. Print Media Isn’t Dead!
    When candidates are sitting in your waiting room, what material is there to keep them occupied? Old magazines? Print your recent articles and leave them on the coffee table instead! Show your candidates that you are a thought-leader on key topics. 

    Bonus Tip – Include your social media information on these print pieces and encourage candidates to join the conversation to stay updated on all information from your organization.

  3.  Add a Link to Your Email Signature.
    Check your outbox from yesterday. How many emails did you send? Adding a link to your email signature is an excellent way to drive additional traffic back to your content. You’re emailing people that trust you and have open conversation with you. Share your content with them and position yourself as a thought leader!
  4. Join Fitting LinkedIn Groups.
    Group (noun): A number of persons or things ranged or considered together as being related in some way.

    Search for some specific LinkedIn groups, targeting your market and industry. Once you join the group, join the conversation and build your foundation. Post your content and engage with people that leave a comment. Become a resource…not just a face in the crowd.

  5. Package it Into a Monthly eNewsletter.
    A monthly, “Hey, how ya doing?” goes a long way when fighting to stay top-of-mind in your industry. Package your content into a well-designed newsletter and send it to your mailing list as a resource for them to use in the following month.
  6. Facebook is Slowing Down, but it isn’t Gone Yet!
    In January I put together an article titled, Recent Facebook Update (Kind Of) Changes Everything. It’s no secret that Facebook is changing. Posts are starting to see only 3-5% organic reach (meaning if you have 100 likes on your page, on average three-to-five people are seeing your post), and the “Pay to Play” mentality is becoming more prevalent. Although these changes make content sharing challenging, there is no substitute for quality content. Facebook has always preached engagement. Posting quality content that people like, share, and comment on is essential in today’s Facebook. Post a short description and the URL to the blog article. 
  7. Put Together a Training Manual.
    Have a common theme in your content? Hiring tips for HR? Ways to land the job you want? Put all of your common material into a nice, print, training manual and offer it to the candidates and clients you come into contact with. Again, position yourself as a resource and help people, don’t focus solely on your bottom line.
  8. Create a Quarterly Magazine.
    Say you write four articles a month – every quarter, take these 12 articles, piece them into a well-designed magazine and distribute these to your leads. You can leave these publications on your waiting room table too!

  9. Build out an eBook.
    Similar to point 8 (but digital!). Add a nice strong call to action to your homepage or sidebar and encourage visitors to download an eBook of leading information and resources. 
  10. Hang it on the Fridge.
    Last but not least…be proud of your content. It takes time and effort to craft the perfect article. Be proud of the material you produce. Go ahead, print it and hang it on the fridge for everyone to see!

Looking for ways to grow your reach and get your blog in front of more viewers? Contact our team today. We’re happy to discuss your current content marketing strategy with you and help you develop a strategy that increases leads and applications!


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