Fueling the Social Media Fire

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It’s no secret that organic reach on social media is continuing to decline.

With brands and users producing content at record-breaking amounts, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to break through the clutter and get your content seen in newsfeed or timeline.

Improving Organic Reach 

In the case study below, Client X sought social media support from Haley Marketing Group beginning in October of 2014. Ignoring engagement and just looking at sessions started on the client’s website, you’ll see that consistent posting and a concrete social sharing strategy have led to a steady increase in overall sessions generated from social media.

Growth in Social Media Website Acquisitions

A Haley Marketing Group Social Pro Case Study

With social pro through Haley Marketing Group, a social media advisor works directly with a client to execute their social media marketing strategy, leveraging content across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube.

Currently, the program is run through strictly organic means, meaning all website traffic that is generated comes as a result from posting quality content to these platforms. No boosting or paid means are used.

In the example above, I took on the management of Client X in October 2014. Since then,daily resources have been published to Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Twitter, and a YouTube video every quarter.

Engagement aside, we continue to see a good amount of likes and clicks on the content we are sharing, I want to focus on the amount of traffic social is driving back to the client’s website.

You’ll note that although there is a fairly consistent upward growth pattern, April 2015 and May 2015 saw a tremendous spike in traffic.

What caused the spike in website sessions in the example above?

Throughout the Social Pro Program, we set aside time for bi-weekly strategy calls with the client, where we work through issues they may be having or questions that may come up concerning personal usage of social media. As advisors, we do everything we can to not only execute a plan, but explain WHY we are doing things and HOW a client can take our strategy to the next level.

This spike was a direct result of this specific client and her team sharing the content that had been posted to the company page through personal social media channels.

By clicking like or sharing a post from a company page you increase that post’s organic reach, distributing it to a larger audience and getting it in front of more readers.

You also continue to position yourself as a primary resource to your followers on topics related to hiring and the job search process.

While I am proud of the spike we saw in April and May, I’d be lying if I said my work was done. In fact, we’re just getting started.

Do you want your own social media advisor to coach you and your staffing firm through a custom social media strategy?

Contact the skilled social media marketing team at Haley Marketing Group to learn more about Social Pro and the exciting changes we are making to the program to stay ahead of social media trends.


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