A marketing strategy combines your staffing organization’s goals into one comprehensive plan. It works towards defined targets to help you accomplish your overall business objectives. One way to whittle things down, is to first, decide who you need to reach –candidates or clients. If you are trying to reach candidates, decide exactly who you are communicating to and what you need them to know. Take a look at what medium you should use (direct mail, email, or social media marketing, for example) to best communicate to them. Also examine, how many, and what type of candidates or clients you need to reach to meet your goals.
If you are trying to reach clients, decide what might be the most effective form of communication to reach out to them. Some factors to consider might include if you have done business with the people you are trying to reach already, or are you a new face in the crowd. Then, how will you help them see why you are different and better. What information do they need to make the decision to work with you?
A good marketing strategy will:
- Reflect the vision and goals of your staffing company
- Provide focus and direction to your employees
- Qualify and identify your target audience
- Establish or reinforce your brand
- Define your value proposition to potential clients or candidates
- Assure that your marketing actions are proactive not reactive
- Make it easier to evaluate new opportunities (not every opportunity is the right fit for you)
- Offer good metrics so you can quantify the results of your marketing
Once you have worked with a solid strategy, you will see that the value of the time spent developing it far outweighs the investment put forth to develop one.
Contact Haley Marketing Group today to develop a strategy that works for you. We have a talented team of experts who can help you decide the best mechanisms to reach who you want to reach, in a streamlined, targeted manner.