How to Reach More People on Facebook without Spending Any Money

Reach More People with Facebook | Haley Marketing Group
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You can have the best content in the world but, the truth is, if it doesn’t reach your audience so that they can consume it you’re just as good as a Picasso sitting in some dusty storage locker.

I spend a ton of time on Facebook analyzing what’s working and, more importantly, what’s not. Over the past month, I’ve been noticing a very definitive trend when it comes to organic reach. And while certain reports are saying organic reach is down, by following this simple strategy, you can reach a sizable portion of your Facebook audience without spending additional money on boosting posts.

Great Content. Terrible Reach.

At the beginning of October I started noticing a very realistic truth, our organic reach was dropping…and was (to be blunt) awful. Every time I would share a blog post on our Facebook page it would be seen by double digits. YIKES! Not only did this mean that our Facebook efforts were having little impact, but it also meant that the great content that our team was spending hours creating wasn’t reaching our target audience. Take a look at the number of people reached in the examples below. 

The Struggle to Reach Our Audience

When things are going wrong it’s the perfect time to try something new…after all, can it really get any worse? Instead of posting content to Facebook and allowing the typical card to render, which shows the image, title, and description, I started to override the card by adding in a visual sharing image – one that matched the featured image in the blog post. Again, take a look at the number of people reached in the examples below. 


By including short copy and a link, followed by an image, I found that we could significantly increase our organic reach. Now, instead of reaching 5% of the people that like our page, we are reaching 27% (on a good day). But it’s not just the Haley Marketing Group Facebook page that I’m seeing this success on. This same success is being noticed on client’s with Haley Marketing Group’s Social Pro service. Take a look at these A/B testing examples. 


The Takeaway

The algorithm is going to change. Facebook updates too frequently for this to stick around forever. But, for right now, when sharing blog content on Facebook I highly recommend publishing in a similar format to the success stories above. The formula is simple:

Copy + Link + Image

Don’t allow Facebook’s card to render, instead replace it with a custom image for increased reach.

Stay Ahead of Social Media Trends with Social Pro by Haley Marketing Group

With Social Pro by Haley Marketing, one of our skilled Social Media Marketing Advisors will take responsibility for developing your organization’s voice on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+. By posting quality content, top jobs, and other branded shareables every day, your firm will be positioned as a premier resource for job seekers and employers within your target market.

Did I mention Social Pro assisted in clients winning two ASA Genius Awards this Year…including a  Grand Award in the Firms With Less Than $7.5 Million in Annual Sales Class?

Don’t run your social media campaign hoping for success…trust the experts to get it right for you. Contact us today to learn how Social Pro can positively impact your staffing firm.


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