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Beyond the Blog – What Else to Do with Content Marketing

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Search algorithms always give preference to sites that feature fresh, relevant content. Say it with me: “Fresh, relevant content.” No, this doesn’t mean the two paragraphs you published on your company “blog” that have sat unclicked since 2014. And no, it doesn’t mean the “About Us” section of your website that hasn’t been updated since before websites worked properly on cell phones. It means fresh (new) relevant (timely and pertaining to search terms) content – which can be created several ways, but one great example is a company blog.

Having a company blog that is frequently updated is the easiest way to consistently produce content that is timely, relevant to your industry, and informational to your future candidates and potential clients. But once that content is on your website, you shouldn’t just let it sit. Use these tips to take your content marketing from good to great, and drive traffic to your website.

1. Use Blogs on Social Media Posts

Blogs can easily be shared on social media. Just write a quick one- or two-sentence summary of the main topic, copy the link, and post it to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. Data has proven these posts will get much better engagement if you include a picture with them (90% of information sent to your brain is visual1!), so make sure to have engaging images included with your blog posts.

2. Use Blogs as Newsletter Content

Want to make sure clients, prospects and candidates are reading your blog posts? Send the posts directly to them! Use your company newsletter (you do have a company newsletter by now, right?) to showcase a few of your top-performing blog posts. Not only does this give you pertinent information to share every month, but if you use smart marketing metrics like HaleyMail to track who opens and clicks on your newsletter topics, you have a list of warm leads you know are interested in jobs or candidates!

3. Use Blogs as Drop Offs

One simple solution to share your content after it’s been published to your blog is to print off each piece and use it as a drop-off or leave behind with current or potential customers. You can also use candidate-facing blog posts as informational pieces to bring along and hand out at job fairs, open houses, etc. This may not get people to immediately go back to your website, but it will still share fresh, relevant information branded to you.

Want to start investing in a content marketing program, but worried you don’t have the time? That’s what Haley Marketing Group is here for! We have the industry expertise to successfully and professionally create content that will drive users back to your site and convert them into customers.


1) https://www.fastcompany.com/3035856/why-were-more-likely-to-remember-content-with-images-and-video-infogr

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