One thing every blog writer can agree on is that coming up with a catchy title is half the work. Sometimes you can get stuck in a rut where every title you think of seems stale and boring. Luckily, you are not alone in this problem, and we can help!
Certain types of titles have proven to be especially effective in catching a reader’s attention. So, next time you find yourself stuck, consider these tried-and-tested formulas for a killer blog title!
- Create a Numbered List
- e.g. “48 Ways to Eat a Donut”
- Surprise the Reader
- e.g. “You Have Been Eating Donuts Wrong Your Whole Life”
- Make it a Question
- e.g. “Do You Actually Know How to Eat a Donut?”
- Refer to the Audience
- e.g. “For People Who Thought They Knew How to Eat a Donut”
- Make it Negative
- e.g. “The Worst Way to Eat Donuts”
- Make it a How-To
- e.g. “How to Eat a Donut”
- Use a Case Study
- e.g. “This Girl Eats Donuts Like No One Else”
- Make it a Lessons Learned
- e.g. “What We Learned From a Professional Donut Eater”
- Command Them
- e.g. “Never Eat a Donut Like This”
Next time you find yourself banging your head against your desk, hoping to knock loose some blog title inspiration, try these nine formulas. There are many good ways to write blog titles, and these will be a great start! Good luck!