The COVID-19 pandemic and the steps being taken to avoid the spread of Coronavirus have forced us all to adapt our business practices. The workforce has been divided into essential and non-essential, those who can work from home and those who are abruptly unemployed. Staffing firms who wish to continue working with employers or bring on new business must be creative.
Adapt and thrive
Some firms have stepped up to the plate quickly, adapting training and onboarding to video, for example. Training videos provide a no-contact method of helping new employees ramp up or prepare for jobs that won’t go active until social distancing recommendations are removed.
Brainstorm new approaches
If you’ve already embraced the use of video in your staffing firm, the transition to using it in social media is probably pretty seamless. Can’t invite candidates in for interviews? Send them a link to Zoom, Skype or Facetime and safely chat with your top prospects from afar. Can’t meet with your team? WebEx might be a suitable substitute to keep your employees motivated and engaged.
But whether you’re a video vet or new to getting on camera, there are simple ways to embrace video while social distancing.
Consider these 3 Smart Ways to Add Video to Your Marketing for Staffing
Video Job Postings
Add video to your job ads and share them on social media. Promote hot jobs with professional, fully branded videos that you email out to candidates. Add the posts to social media. Video is the fastest-growing type of content on social media. Why not show candidates what the work environment is like while maintaining safe social distance?
Video Introductions
Your sales team is probably accustomed to working with clients face-to-face. No sense putting those engaging personalities to waste! Video NOW makes it simple to add a link to an introductory email. In just a few moments, a sales professional or recruiter can give an authentic greeting and show what you have to offer in a sincere, engaging personal way.
Video Testimonials
What better way to prove your value to potential employers and job seekers than by showing them what past and current clients and candidates think? Willing participants can create a brief video discussing their experience working with your firm. Viewers can see their sincere, unscripted feedback – much more authentic than typical online reviews.
Want to see how simple it is to add video to your marketing?
Haley Marketing can help! For more advice on how video marketing can help you stand out, stay-top-of-mind and sell more (while social distancing), check out our previous post, How to Add Video to Your Marketing Mix, or review our Video for Recruiting services. Contact a video marketing expert at Haley Marketing or call 1.888.696.2900 today.