Education Drives Staffing Sales: Here’s How…

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For the past 15 years, I’ve been a huge advocate of using educational content to sell staffing services. Why? Simple:

  1. Lots of people don’t get the value of staffing. By educating, you prove your value and create new customers.
  2. It lets you get past HR. Great educational content is not threatening. It’s not salesy. You can mail or email it directly to decision makers. And when done right, it even let’s you develop a stronger relationship with HR.  (We once had an HR manager order 100 copies of an educational booklet we produced for a staffing firm. He wanted them to give to every line manager in his organization!)
  3. It helps you stand out. Everyone, and I mean everyone, in staffing is in non-stop sales mode. And your clients hate it. Great education is a much better conversation starter.
  4. Because it works! We have seen example after example of how educational content allows staffing sales professionals to leverage their time, increase their productivity, stimulate demand, and generate more job orders and candidate referrals. We’ve seen ROI’s ranging from 100% to as high as 5,500% in as little as 6 months time.  And we’ve seen the staffing sales cycle collapsed from months to weeks.

Get Even More from Your Educational Content

Today, with the explosive growth of social media, great educational content is more important than ever. If you are going to succeed in the social world, you need information to share. While you can certainly use tools liked LinkedIn and Facebook the same way you use the phone for direct networking, you’ll get a much bigger multiplier on your efforts when you share content.

Through sharing, you can expose your ideas to hundreds or even thousands of prospective clients. You position your firm as experts who are tuned into the needs and interests of your clients. And you open the door for your sales efforts.

Here are 15 ways you can use content in selling staffing:

  1. Post educational ideas, articles, whitepapers and videos to your company blog.
  2. Share links to your content within LinkedIn groups – the groups where your prospects hang out.
  3. Feed your blog content to your company Facebook and Twitter pages.
  4. Use online PR services to share stories about your free content.
  5. Break your content down into individual ideas and use them in a Twitter campaign.
  6. Post questions related to your content on LinkedIn Answers.
  7. Answer questions on LinkedIn and provide links to your content in your response.
  8. Have you sales team drop off printed versions of your content on sales calls.
  9. Include links to your content in email follow-ups with clients and prospects.
  10. Conduct a survey about the subject of your content – it’s a great excuse for a sales call.
  11. Leverage written content into webinars and seminars.
  12. Record your webinars to build a library of video content.
  13. Turn a simple article into a booklet that you can mail, email or drop off.
  14. Create PPC ads on Google, Facebook and LinkedIn offering your content to targeted prospects.
  15. Email your content to prospects then call to get their opinions about the subject matter.

Want to see educational marketing in action?

Check these out:

Haley Marketing Group logoPardon the pitch, but if you’re looking to put educational content into your efforts to sell staffing services, this is one of Haley Marketing’s greatest strengths.  If you’re interested, here are two of our most popular educational content marketing services:


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