Why measure customer service?
Let me count the ways! When you track your service:
- You know how well your staffing firm is doing.
- You learn what service areas you need to improve.
- You send a clear message of how important exceptional service is to your company.
- You better understand who your customers are – and what they value.
- If your service metrics are impressive, you can use them to build your brand and win more clients.
But what, exactly, should you be tracking? Here are three key customer service metrics for both clients and candidates:
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
This measures how likely a client or individual you place is to recommend your staffing service. Inavero measures and recognizes remarkable service within the staffing industry, leveraging third-party, validated survey responses from staffing customers and placed talent. Each year, the firms that meet Inavero’s eligibility requirements win the coveted Best of Staffing Client and/or Best of Staffing Talent awards. (Here are the 2015 winners. Coincidentally, Haley Marketing has a lot of clients on this list. I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions about this fact.)
Customer Effort Score (CES)
The CES uses a 5-point rating scale to measure customer experience with one simple question: “How much effort did you personally have to put forth to handle your request?”
According to CEB, the world’s leading member-based advisory company, a Customer Effort Score™ is a better predictor of loyalty than the Net Promoter Score:
- 96% of customers who rate experiences as “high-effort” become more disloyal.
- Just 9% of customers who report “low-effort” experiences show a future drop in loyalty.
The CES metric is quick and easy for staffing firms to administer and for customer to evaluate, but it’s not without it’s drawbacks. Critics say that both the scale and its wording are open to customer perception (and therefore inconsistent interpretation). Given the high correlation between CES and loyalty, however, tracking customer effort for both clients and candidates may be worthwhile for your staffing firm.
Customer Retention Rate
Once you’ve landed a great customer, it’s much easier (and more profitable) to keep them than replace them. How good is your company at retaining clients? Use sales data to quantify the percent of your client base that you keep, year over year.
And beyond tracking this raw percentage, find out why you lose customers. Conduct follow-up surveys, make phone calls or send “how can we get you back” e-mails to gather feedback. These measures will help you better understand the real reasons customers leave – and how you can earn their business once again.
Final Thoughts
In every step of your service delivery – from the initial phone call through the final invoice – you should know how well your company performs. So actively solicit feedback on the service you deliver! While the ideas above are certainly not comprehensive, they provide a starting point for measuring and tracking satisfaction.
As you collect data, post key customer service stats in your office or on your intranet. Regularly communicate these statistics to everyone in your organization. If you make measuring service a priority, you’ll be taking great care of your company’s most important asset – its customers.