How Can LinkedIn Bring Traffic to My Website?

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Whenever we tell staffing companies about posting on social media, two major themes are repeated in our message. We want companies to be consistent, and we want engagement.

Why those two themes?

With consistent posting, other people will begin to expect great content from your personal and company social media accounts. They begin to value your content and picture you as a thought leader.

While your staffing company can consistently post content, it also needs engagement. If a post has numerous likes and shares, the organic reach will increase (thanks to the algorithm on Facebook, LinkedIn and now Twitter) and drive traffic (free traffic!) back to your website.

How do those two things work hand in hand? Let’s look at a recent example from one of our clients.

What’s the Process?

Earlier this year, I put together a case study on the social media marketing program used by 365 Healthcare Staffing. With our award-winning Social Pro program, we consistently publish content to social media platforms on behalf of the southern California healthcare staffing agency.

In the past few months, one of the places that we are seeing really good traffic for 365 Healthcare Staffing is through LinkedIn. Let’s follow the process for one blog – Can You Sell Yourself in 30 Seconds – and see how 365 Healthcare Staffing is benefiting.

We can’t share without generating content. That content for 365 Healthcare Staffing originates through the Haley Marketing Group blogging service. We write four pieces of original content every month on topics related to their business. This topic talked about having an elevator speech prepared to sell yourself at a moment’s notice.

The blog first gets posted on the company website, and we go from there.

Then, we take that content and share it across all social media outlets. Let’s delve deeper into the process for LinkedIn.  LinkedIn Groups

  1. With each new blog post, we publish the content on the President’s personal LinkedIn page. Why his page? For one, because he has more than 1,200 connections. Yes, it doesn’t take readers directly back to the company website, but it’s showing that Aaron is a thought leader. (And there are links at the bottom of the post as a call-to-action back to the company website.)
  2. We take that same content and paste the link from the company’s blog into groups across LinkedIn. Why groups? LinkedIn groups feature targeted audiences. We aren’t just sharing content in random groups. They are targeted by employment (healthcare, nursing, surgical techs, etc.) and region (Los Angeles, San Diego, etc.) This post received great engagement from the “Recruit a Nurse” group. (see image on the right)
  3. We repurpose the blog content from the past 12 months and post one blog every day on the company’s LinkedIn page.

Talk Is Cheap, Show Us the Results!

In the 10 days since getting posted on LinkedIn as a Published Post on the president’s page and in LinkedIn Groups, that blog post has generated 190 website sessions from LinkedIn – that’s an enormous amount of traffic!

It’s also high-quality traffic, with each user spending an average of 3 minutes, 58 seconds on the 365 Healthcare Staffing website.

This blog post is just one example, let’s look at all of LinkedIn traffic for 365 Healthcare Staffing since the start of October:

LinkedIn chart The jump in LinkedIn traffic to the company website from December to January was 64 percent. Through the first 17 days of March, 365 Healthcare Staffing has seen 631 website sessions originate from users on LinkedIn. For perspective, when 365 Healthcare Staffing started the Social Pro program with the Haley Marketing Group in January 2015, they received 742 total sessions to their website. Now, they are on pace to get more website sessions from LinkedIn in March than they got for their entire website just over a year ago.

Why is 365 Healthcare Staffing seeing these great results recently? It goes back to the two themes at the start of the blog post: consistency and engagement.

We have been posting on LinkedIn for more than a year for 365 Healthcare Staffing. Their follower counts and connections (increasing from 95 in February 2015 to 474 connections when this post was written) continue to increase. The president could be viewed by LinkedIn’s algorithm differently and get more value on his posts since he’s been posting original content for an extended period of time. 

With the engagement, that post in the “Recruit a Nurse” group is a perfect example. The post will get more organic reach because of the likes and comments. LinkedIn’s algorithm should push that post to more people because other people are finding it worthwhile.

How Can Haley Marketing Help?

If you are ready to take your social media marketing to the next level, contact the Haley Marketing Group today. We combine a writer, strategist, graphic designer and social media marketer into one program that’s less than 20 percent of the cost of a comparable hire by your staffing company.



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