If your staffing or recruiting company has installed a Google Analytics tracking code on your website, you should have access to their free analytics service designed to help you process, organize and evaluate your site’s data. This free tool has a lot to offer, and is one of the most valuable ways to optimize your online recruiting strategy and overall ROI.
However, Google Analytics won’t be of much of an asset to your business unless you can identify which metrics contain the most meaningful information, as well as some actionable steps to pair with each. Going through all of the reports in Google Analytics can be a daunting task. The good news is that understanding even just a few of the most basic numbers can be immensely helpful.
To get you started, here are six essential Google Analytics metrics that every staffing firm should monitor, and if you don’t already, it’s not too late to start!
Incoming Traffic Sources
To make sure you’re allocating your online resources efficiently, you’ll want to see where on the internet users are visiting your site from. In Google Analytics, this is located under Reports > Acquisition > All Traffic > Channels. If a channel has fewer sessions or a high bounce rate, you may want to rethink the digital strategies that direct users to your website through those channels.
Exit Pages
Just as it’s a good idea to see where visitors are coming from, you’ll want to track which pages lead them away from your website, too. Check this under Reports > Behavior > Site Content > Exit Pages. Here you can identify areas with higher exit rates, then ask yourself if there are any user experience red flags that could cause a traffic drop off.
Bounce Rate
The bounce rate tells you how many people leave your website from a landing page without exploring other content. Essentially, these users come and go without taking any action. There are multiple ways to view bounce rate, but you can find the bounce rate for individual pages through Reports > Behavior > Site Content > All Pages. If you notice high bounce rates, make sure there are strong calls to action and that the page content is relevant.
New and Returning Visitors
In the staffing industry, we know the importance of maintaining relationships with existing clients. The same goes for your website’s visitors! Someone who has visited your site more than once is much more likely to convert than a first timer. Locate this information under Reports > Audience > Behavior > New vs Returning.
Social Reports
To get a general idea of how effective your social media efforts are at leading back to your website, go to Reports > Acquisition > All Traffic > Channels > Social. Here you can see the number of users and sessions from each of your social channels as part of your staffing site’s traffic. Once you identify where the most traffic is coming from, you can find ways to double up on those social media efforts.
Mobile and Desktop Traffic Rates
If you can measure how many users are visiting your website from their phones, you will be better positioned to make sure the mobile version of your site is optimized for a positive user experience and more conversions. Track this under Reports > Audience > Mobile > Overview. A high bounce rate might mean you need to revisit how your mobile site is designed.
Using these metrics in Google Analytics will allow you to more accurately evaluate the performance of your staffing or recruiting company’s website, giving you an idea of what digital strategies to invest in, which will ultimately help you reach more clients and candidates.
For more information on how Google Analytics can help your staffing firm grow, check out our resources on Haley Marketing Group’s blog or reach out and give us a call today!