What do the Top Recruitment Firms do on Social Media?

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The United States unemployment rate is currently around 3%-4%… The lowest its been since before the 2008 recession. This will certainly cause a struggle for staffing firms to find active job seekers. This means that staffing firms must take a different and creative approach to market their jobs, and their services. What better way than to veer towards social media to expose your brand.

After thinking about this more, I decided to look up the Top Recruitment Firms in the U.S. and proceeded to browse through their social media pages… specifically Facebook. What are these well-known staffing firms doing that thousands of others lack to do? I found that these staffing firms are posting consistent content every day or every other day.

Posting consistently and getting the brand out to the public will do wonders. Being consciously active on social media is a great way to focus on recruiting both active and passive job seekers. The goal is for candidates to think of your firm first when they need a new job. If everyone consistently sees your brand on a platform that they’re on for a substantial amount of the day, your company should be the first staffing firm they think of. This is also the case if you want clients to think of your services when they need positions filled. Posting good content consistently will give your brand more visibility and get your name out there.

Whether it’s a blog post or an inspirational quote that followers can relate to, consistency is often what will distinguish you from other recruitment firms on social media. Why don’t more companies post content every day? This is simply because it is very challenging; It’s very difficult to produce engaging, consistent content.  At first, it may be difficult to see the true value of posting daily, especially if you aren’t getting likes or getting shares but in the long run, posting every day does make a difference.

After looking at the Top Staffing firms Facebook pages, I found that these types of posts were the most common:

  1. Blogs – This was by far the most common. So many companies, in so many industries, have implemented blogging into their content marketing strategies. Although it may be tough to come up with high quality and consistent blogs, there are many benefits: Industry Credibility and Expertise, a boost in SEO, and a chance to be creative and make a difference. If you don’t blog, or you already do blogging but struggle with it, make sure you check out Haley’s Blogging Services!
  2. Display your team – Every company should implement this into their social media strategies. It’s very effective to show who is behind the scenes at your company. You could do employee spotlights, new hire introductions, or photos of company activities or conferences.
  3. Quotes or inspiration – Especially for job seekers, an inspiring quote can really speak to someone. This is an easy way to relate to your customers, and it’s a very easy way to come up with meaningful content.
  4. Current events – You’d be surprised; I came across many #nationalpizzaday posts and Friday the 13th Make sure you know what’s going on that day. It makes for some fun and creative content!

Bottom line, posting consistently on social media is proven to make a positive impact. It has worked for the top staffing firms in the country and it can work for you. If you need help with blogging and social media, be sure to check out Haley Marketings’s Blogging and Social Media Services.


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