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What Do Game of Thrones and Your Content Marketing Have in Common?

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While at first glance it might not seem like content marketing and Game of Thrones share many similarities, they do have one strong piece of common ground: They work so well because of their episodes. We may not have continued watching season one if we knew exactly how season eight would end. But with nail-biting cliffhangers, plot twists and a dragon or two, you can keep your audience engaged with your content across platforms, outlets and industries.

So, how can you turn your content into “episodes”?

The most common forms of content currently are episodic in nature. Videos, podcasts, blog posts, even infographics and rich media all have the capability to turn one idea or theme into several pieces of ongoing content. Those pieces can then be shared, and even teased with captions like “Part 1 of 3: Check Back Tomorrow for More Answers!”, which is endlessly more enticing than “3 Tips for Better Interviews.”

Creating episodic content is not as hard or time-consuming as it seems. The three basic steps are as follows:

  1. Tell a Strong Story. You need to create content your audience is actually interested in. Find the humor in a scenario, the emotion behind a common problem or the honesty in your clients’ and candidates’ struggles. Use these jumping off points to answer their questions, calm their nerves and develop a relationship as their thought leader and trusted advisor.
  2. Leave Them Wanting More. Just because you have a great topic doesn’t mean you have to share it all at once. Use a few bullet points or ideas, and save the last few for your next post. Not only will it leave people wondering what you’ll say next, it will take the stress out of having to come up with one more piece of content!
  3. Utilize Audience Engagement. Want to know what your audience thinks, likes, or wants to hear next? Ask them! Encourage your followers to leave comments, ask questions or answer polls to find out what they want to see, and what they like to interact with. Then, use those methods to deliver a series of content catered to their desires, inquiries or concerns.

Ready to create a binge-worthy social strategy?

Partner with the content marketing experts at Haley Marketing! We can help you develop a custom content marketing strategy that will bring candidates in faster than you can say “You know nothing, Jon Snow.”


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