Everyone in your staffing firm provides customer service.
Yep, everyone!
From account managers and recruiters to receptionists and back-office staff, your employees provide service to all types of “customers” every day: employers, job seekers, temporaries on assignment, coworkers, industry partners and even vendors.
So, when was the last time you trained your staff on providing great customer service?
You probably realize that training is one of the best ways to help your staff create consistently shareworthy experiences (in this blog post, I explain why formal customer service training is so important). And thankfully, providing that training doesn’t have to cost you a dime. If you’re looking for proven methods to train your staff in customer service, you’re in luck. Below, I’ve compiled a list of the best free resources for customer service knowledge and training.
Free Customer Service Training Resources:
- Best Practices in Keeping Clients Happy (Haley Marketing eBook). How do you make your clients happier? This eBook shows you how to create a service culture and design an optimal client service experience.
- Rethinking the Candidate Experience (Haley Marketing eBook). Get 10 tips to help your team attract and convert more job seekers into placements – by providing a better candidate experience.
- Top Staffing Customer Service Posts from 2019 (Ask Haley blog). This post recaps and links to the most liked and shared 2019 posts about customer service for staffing and recruiting firms.
- Shareworthy Service (Ask Haley blog). Written specifically for professionals in the staffing and recruiting industry, my biweekly blog posts share research, insights and best practices for creating consistently amazing customer experiences – for clients, candidates and even your internal employees.
- 7 Free Customer Service Training Ideas that Really Work (Jeff Toister). A Certified Professional in Learning and Performance, Jeff has authored multiple courses on delivering customer service training. By his own admission, the ideas in this article are more effective than hiring someone to come in and train your staff for you!
- Customer Service Blog (Shep Hyken). Customer service and experience expert Shep Hyken blogs about all aspects of customer service. His posts teach important customer service lessons through real-world examples.
- Free Online Customer Service Courses (Oxford Home Study Centre). The UK’s leading specialist provider of distance learning professional courses provides this free 5-topic customer service course. Each module helps your team increase their proficiency by learning customer service fundamentals.
Like most things in life, you’ll get out of your customer service efforts what you invest in them. By prioritizing customer service training in 2020, you’ll create smarter employees, happier customers and a healthier bottom line.