[Interview] Richard Rosner, CEO of HireMe & Founder of Staffing Shark

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People call him the Gary V of the staffing industry. And you’re not likely to meet someone with more energy, enthusiasm and optimism than Richard Rosner, CEO at HireMe Staffing and founder of Staffing Shark Media. 

Richard is a wizard of both social media and grassroots marketing, and he shares the secrets to how he is achieving a 97% fill rate with ZERO spend on job advertising. During our conversation, Richard provides great advice on: 

  • Using video in recruiting 
  • Creating a rural market sourcing strategy 
  • His secrets to branding and “being everywhere 
  • How he keeps his social media authentic and human 

In addition, Richard told us a little about the Revive WORKFORCE center that he is just opening. He calls it the “Disney World of careers,” and he has created it as a way to help people develop skills, find better job opportunities, and improve their lives. 

If you want to learn more about the Staffing Shark, you’ll find him on all the socials as @staffingshark 

Secrets of Staffing Success is brought to you by Haley Marketing. 

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