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Putting the “Social” Back in Social Media and Marketing

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Recently, several members of the team here at Haley Marketing had the pleasure of attending a presentation by Scott Stratten of on his 30-city book tour.

Not having heard of Scott Stratten (and after I rocky start with the 2 opening presenters), I went into this presentation with no expectations, and was more than pleasantly surprised. Scott was not only interesting, funny and an excellent story teller, he had some really great advice.

When Scott originally signed up for a Twitter account, he did what most of us have done – nothing. After seven months of nothing, he decided to commit himself to making Twitter work.

Social Media Should Be About Being Social
You would not begin a conversation with a sales pitch. Don’t use social media to simply push your products or services. There are people at the other end of your tweets and posts. Start a conversation, connect with your clients and candidates on a personal level. Offer them advice; ask questions. Connect to people.

You Are Always Branding and Marketing
From the moment your receptionist answers the phone, to approval of timesheets, every interaction you have is branding and marketing. There is never a neutral interaction. Make sure your employees are aware of your positioning; how they should be representing your company, and that they act on it. If you have a great brand, but don’t follow-through in your actions, then you can actually diminish your brand…be authentic, or your brand is nothing more than hype.

A Problem is an Opportunity
Think back to the last time one of your clients had a complaint, or you had a problem with service. How were those situations handled? Was your client happy with the outcome? Did the way you resolved the issue want them to talk positively about their experience with you? When you are presented with an issue, the way you remedy it is a reinforcement of your brand.

This may seem like pretty basic advice. Take a close look at your business…are you sticking to the basics? The basics are what are often lost, and the easiest place to start to refresh your brand.

For those of you, like me, who have never heard of Scott, you can learn more about him at his blog at: or by following him on Twitter.


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