Want a New Year’s resolution that’s great for your staffing firm’s bottom line?
Resolve to read my shareworthy service posts each month! In them, I share research, insights and best practices for creating a great customer experience – for clients, candidates and even your internal employees.
Need a little help catching up? Here are my “Greatest Hits” from 2014 – the most liked and shared posts about customer service for staffing services:
10 Ways to Keep Your Best Staffing Clients
Retaining clients is much easier than winning new ones. So what’s the best way to keep them? This post reveals 10 shareworthy service secrets for improving staffing client retention.
3 Things to Say to Clients Instead of “I’m Sorry”
Saying “sorry” doesn’t resolve misunderstandings or fix issues. So what should happen after the “sorry”? Use your apology as the start of your fixing the situation instead of the end of your disappointing the person. Here are three ideas for what to do next:
Infographic: Customer Service Stories Spread Like Wildfire (especially bad ones!)
Whether their experiences are positive or negative, customers are sharing their experiences via social media and review websites – and greatly impacting your staffing firm’s success. This infographic paints a pretty clear picture: Your customers’ voices are stronger than ever – and things aren’t likely to change anytime soon!
Bomb Squad: 5 Tips for Defusing Upset Staffing Clients
Upset staffing clients are, unfortunately, a fact of life in business. Whether it was due to an error on your staffing firm’s part, or you’re entirely blameless, one thing’s clear: you need to defuse the situation immediately. These shareworthy service ideas will help your company’s “bomb squad” turn that angry customer around:
4 Internal Customer Service Mistakes that Could Cost Your Staffing Firm BIG
When a co-worker walks into your office with a request, do you treat that person as well as you’d treat a new client you’re trying to land? You should. When employees follow the “golden rule,” it’s more than just polite or politically correct – it’s great for business: boosting productivity and morale, and setting the bar for how external customers are treated. Make sure you’re not committing one of these fundamental internal customer service mistakes: