When you’re new to social media, the first step is understanding what platforms are out there, and what the intended uses and goals are for each different platform. This post focuses on the basics of Twitter, and how your team can use this platform to reach your audience.
What is Twitter?
Twitter is a social media platform, twitter.com, that allows individual users and businesses to create a profile. With this profile, you can share content, and follow content shared by other users.
What Should I Use it For?
Twitter is typically considered to be a social media platform focused on news. In 140 characters or less, users can share information, including links to drive users to learn more about the topics.
Ready to Get Started?
Check out these resources provided by Twitter to help you learn how to take advantage of the many features and get started!
Twitter accounts to follow to get started:
- @staffingtweets
- @SIADailyNews
- @HaleyMarketing
- @DavidatHaley
- @BradSmith14
If you want to consider a full social marketing strategy, check out our eBook, Social Media: A Game Plan for Staffing and Recruiting Firms.