1. Make small, manageable goals.
Having a large goal can be overwhelming. Breaking your duties into smaller goals can give you a greater sense of accomplishment and allow you to achieve the end goal more quickly and efficiently.
2. Befriend the productive people at your work.
Hanging around with lazy or unmotivated co-workers can grow on you. Listening to negativity can have a huge impact on your mood and motivation. When you surround yourself with productive people, you’re going to want to be in the conversation and keep it going. Positivity breeds positivity.
3. Change your routine.
Sometimes our day-to-day routine can get a bit stale. A small (or large) tweak to your daily routine could make everything feel fresh, and, therefore, make you more motivated.
4. Make a do-to list … or throw it away.
Checklists work for some people and destroy others. If you are the kind of person who enjoys self-management and celebrating simple successes, a checklist might be for you. If you find a to-do list daunting and anxiety ridden, maybe it’s something you should avoid altogether.
5. Take care of your mind and body.
Sometimes a lack of enthusiasm at work directly stems from a poor lifestyle at home. It’s proven that poor sleep and diet can have a detrimental effect on your mental power. Positive thinking and a full night’s sleep can go a long way.