If you’re here, then you’re a fan of our content or you’ve seen us on social media! Either way, we hope you’re excited to get started on your marketing journey (or to continue building upon your past successes) to help boost your company’s fill rates or client sales. When marketing is going great, it’s phenomenal, but what happens when it’s not going well?
You’ve finally hired a social media intern to find out that metric-drive success is more important than just getting content out on social media. You’ve signed up for an Indeed ad spend to find out that companies can automatically manage it for you to get the best possible results. Or, you’re still sending out a client-focused email blast trying to recruit new business, despite having multiple open orders for every single current client you’ve sold.
Now, it’s finally time to make a jump to a new platform. You’ve started with a brand new AI-based chat system, or social media strategy. You’ve researched it, and you may have even outsourced the creation to a company that’s well-versed in marketing for the staffing industry.
And you launch your new strategy. You notice a blog post went out at the wrong time, and suddenly the entire strategy isn’t worth pursuing anymore. Worse, you don’t get many quality inbound candidates in the first month.
But instead of freaking out and cancelling every service you’ve signed up for, you trust the reason you signed up for them in the first place. A few months into the new service, and you’re finally receiving the quality and quantity of leads expected to justify the program. A few months later and your business is doing better than ever.
The industry moves quickly with the adoption of new services, especially when it involves getting more qualified candidates and clients. Sometimes, you need to fix what you’re currently doing so it operates as expected. Sometimes, you need to swap services to something new, more efficient, and that didn’t exist before.
No matter what you end up deciding to do, we’re happy you’re making a move towards success through digital marketing. And, if you want to shortcut your learning curve, you can call the experts at Haley Marketing to lessen your time to success and increase the quantity of your qualified candidates and clients.