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Differentiating Your Business Based On Value

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Value can mean very different things to different people. If you are making value one of your key differentiators, be sure to clarify how you define value.

Few staffing firms want to differentiate on price, but most will claim to offer greater value than the competition. So, if value is part of your differentiation, do you mean:

  • We provide more productive workers
  • We lower your overall labor costs
  • We provide a higher level of service for the price (If so, what is that higher level?)
  • We measure our results and can prove our ROI
  • Working with our firm is easier

When strategically marketing with your value proposition, don’t leave your end user out of the plan.

Remember to ask these three basic questions:

  1. Who are they?
  2. What do they do?
  3. What problem are you solving for them?

Be ready to offer proof of your unique value statement! So, how do you offer “proof”?

Consider including:

  • Performance metrics (time to fill, fill percentage, fall-off rate, NPS, etc.)
  • Testimonials
  • Case studies
  • If you work in a niche industry or have unique recruiting and/or technical experience
  • If you have a unique focus – and what that might be
  • Explain your unique service process or business model

In any service business, you have to deliver great quality with excellent service. And if you are not delivering great value, you won’t stay in business for long. It is important to assure that your audiences know exactly what value you are offering as they make the decision to work with you. So, whether you are going to differentiate on quality, service, value or customer experience, you need to be sure to define what your differentiation really means to your ideal clients and/or candidates.


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