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3 Ways to Market Smarter – and Get Better Results

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3 Ways to Market Smarter – and Get Better Results

One thing is certain in the staffing industry: Things never stay the same.

Technology evolves. Markets change. Customers’ expectations continue to rise. To thrive, you have to be smarter – about how you attract, engage and convert candidates and clients!

In marketing, staying SMART with your goals, and your marketing keeps you laser-focused. SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Smart MARKETING is goals-based, measurable, realistic, sustainable, and these keep everything aligned.

So what are some SMARTER ways to make sure you’re using your marketing dollars and time well?

3 Ways To Market SMART This Year

1. Tighten up Your Value Proposition

This starts with knowing WHO you are trying to reach, their pain points, and how you can solve their problems. Are you in an industry where candidates are now looking for remote opportunities?  The commute is no longer a pain point. Geographic location may not either. Now it’s pay, company culture, and ease of application.

How about your clients? If they were impacted by a downturn, they may have lost much of their workforce and need to ramp up quickly once things improve. Are you positioned well to meet their needs? Is your marketing aligned to those needs? If not, now is the time to make the adjustment.

2. Make Time to Add to Your Website

Any time the economy takes a big hit, the staffing firms that are strategic about building out their website recover their search traffic losses the quickest. Consistently add fresh, relevant content to your website, and integrate those content additions with the rest of your marketing strategy, so that it continues to generate the sales leads and qualified applications you need.

What can you add to your website?

  • Blogs (long form and short)
  • Location pages
  • Pages that spotlight your different service lines
  • Job listings (with a job board that creates a new page for each job)
  • Develop an SEO audit to adjust and align your on-page terms and meta information
  • eBooks and gated landing pages

3.  Embrace Change

The impact of our most recent recession taught us a valuable lesson about the importance of technology. Companies that were behind the times immediately felt the impact, and the ones that adapted quickly fared the best. Here’s a list of technology issues that smart staffing companies addressed – and conquered – to stay competitive:

  1. Companies took action to update websites to mobile-friendly (or mobile-first) and also shifted to ADA-Compliant designs
  2. Staffing and recruiting companies moved to new ATS’s that they’d had their eyes on for years
  3. They recognized the need to understand their job board budgets and embraced technology that helps them make smarter spending decisions
  4. Video interviews and emails became the norm
  5. The art of email (empathetic communication) became more important.
  6. Career sites and job boards were used more strategically.
  7. Smarter pay per click campaigns were launched.

In tough times, a SMART marketing strategy can help you reach your audience, pivot when necessary and deliver the results you need.


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