A recent survey conducted by Marketing Sherpa shows that organizations are shifting more of their marketing investments from off-line initiatives to on-line tactics.
As detailed in the chart above, investments in web sites lead the charge with 64% of respondents reporting increased investment in those areas. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Social Media are close behind.
What does this mean for your staffing agency’s marketing?
As companies begin to invest more resources in on-line marketing initiatives, you need to ensure your website represents you in the best possible light. Websites and social media are key components of many people’s decision making process. Your prospects are turning to your website to learn more about your services and the value you provide and leaning towards social networks to learn what others are saying about your service. If your website can’t be found in search results, but your competitors are there–you’re losing business.
So, should you drop all print, direct mail and other off-line marketing?
NO! The key to an effective marketing strategy to stay top-of-mind and surround prospects with your value proposition. I encourage a well-rounded strategy that leverages both on-line and off-line tactics. In fact, I strongly suggest marrying the two approaches together. Use direct mail as a way to drive traffic to specific landing pages on your site that offer something of value to your prospect. From there you can collect key contact information and add that person or company to a drip marketing campaign that uses email marketing, direct mail, pay per click advertising, and more to surround that person and convert them to a customer.