Delivering Shareworthy Service Starts with the Basics

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When was the last time you received truly remarkable customer service?  You know what I mean – the type of experience that was so exceptional, you felt compelled to talk, post or tweet about it?

Shareworthy Service Example Now consider this: when is the last time a client received service from your company that was so special, they felt compelled to talk about it?  Been awhile?  Then your staffing service may be at risk of losing customers.  In fact, according to the latest American Express Global Customer Service barometer, 59% of Americans will try a new brand or company for a better service experience.

If you want to retain your most valued customers, then it’s time to get back to the basics.  Here are three ideas you can implement immediately to keep your staffing clients coming back to you:

Create a great first impression.  You continually tell this to your candidates, but it’s just as true for you.  The first experience your clients have with you sets the tone for the entire service experience – so make sure you put your best foot forward.  Formally train all your front-line personnel, from reception through sales, to introduce themselves and your company in a positive way.  Make sure everyone who comes in contact with new clients (and candidates) is upbeat, professional and equipped to do whatever it takes to help.

Treat customers the way you’d like to be treated.  In every interaction, try to put yourself in your clients’ shoes.  Train yourself and your staff to think:  “If I was treated this way, how would I react?”  Remember that in business, what goes around comes around.  Treat your customers with the same respect and courtesy that you would like to encounter – and you’ll develop loyal customers who come back time after time!

Follow up after the sale.  Asking clients: “How did we do?” should be an integral part of your service process.  If you don’t already have one, develop formal procedures to follow up with your customers after candidates are placed or assignments end.  Keeping in touch after the sale:

  • shows clients that you really care about their business;
  • gives customers an opportunity to tell you what you did right;
  • encourages clients to tell you about problems you might not otherwise have known about – affording you the opportunity to resolve issues and ultimately retain clients;
  • and, as a nice side effect, often leads to more sales.

Great service (heck – even good service) is so hard to find these days.  And it’s not rocket science!  If you and your staff consistently enact these basic principles in your daily client interactions, you’ll stay ahead of the competition – and keep clients coming back to you.


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