Are you doing everything you can to stay on top of your customer service game?
Like every other aspect of business today, customer service is evolving at break-neck speed. Rapidly changing trends in staffing, technology and both clients’ and candidates’ needs make delivering great service tougher than ever.
Still, its role as a strategic differentiator among staffing and recruiting firms continues to grow. In fact, according to Forrester Research, 86% of companies say customer experience is a top strategic priority.
To thrive in a hyper-competitive staffing industry, your company needs to keep apace of emerging customer service trends. Here are three of‘s top customer service trends for 2012 which are relevant to staffing:
- Mobile. Mobile phones are convenient, used by billions, and integrated with Facebook and Twitter. The huge demand for mobile services has prompted businesses to develop new ways for customers to interact directly with companies through their phones. Potential uses for staffing: Develop mobile apps for placing orders, registering with your service, viewing top candidate profiles or searching available jobs.
- Social Media. As more consumers use platforms like Facebook, Yelp and Twitter to both recommend and complain about service, staffing and recruiting companies need to develop more effective response methods. Potential uses for staffing: Beyond merely pushing content to social media, use them as true two-way customer service resolution channels. Develop social media standard operating procedures to ensure every customer complaint is not just acknowledged, but resolved.
- Video. Video is gaining popularity as a cost-effective customer service channel that empowers consumers to resolve their own issues. A well executed (i.e., professionally produced) video makes sharing information faster, easier – and more engaging. Potential uses for staffing: Develop instructional / informational videos and link to them through your website, blog, YouTube channel and/or social media platforms. Ideas include a virtual facilities tour, overview of services, new employee orientation and online ordering tutorial.
As your staffing service incorporates new customer service trends like these, remember this: people will always do business with people. While technology will continue to drive change in customer service, no app or video will ever adequately replace a genuine smile, a well-timed visit or a firm handshake. Shareworthy service strikes the right balance between technology and the human touch.
How is your staffing firm changing the service you deliver to make it truly shareworthy? What are you doing differently to stay on top of your customer service game? I’d love to know!