Snapchat is much more than a platform used to take selfies. Here are some stats to put this into perspective:
- There are over 300 million monthly active users.
- 187 million people actively use Snapchat daily.
- 18% of U.S. social media users are using Snapchat.
- 45% of Snapchat users are aged between 18-24.
With stats like these, you might be kicking yourself for not implementing Snapchat into your recruiting strategy. The problem that many companies face is exactly how to tap into this passive candidate pool. Here are some ways to get started:
- Showcase your brand. The easiest way to gain attention through Snapchat is to have employee takeovers, where different employees in your company post stories showing off what they do in a day. This shows your followers a fun side of your company, and helps you seem relatable and personable. This also gives a completely unique inside view into your organization that can’t be accessed via Facebook or Twitter.
- Geofilters. Going to a career fair? Is your office in a busy area? A geofilter can be your best friend. If you don’t know what a geofilter is, it’s essentially an effect that can be placed over a Snapchat that is taken. Here are some unique geofilters that brands have created. Many brands take advantage of this feature by creating geofilters that only appear in certain locations and help people think of your brand. If you’re at a career fair, consider creating a geofilter that advertises your brand and encourages candidates to visit your booth!
- Snapcodes. Snapcodes are Snapchat’s form of a QR code. You can create a unique Snapcode that brings users right to your website or job application by simply scanning the code. Snapcodes partnered with flyers or advertisements are a powerful tool that can make finding your jobs simple and engaging.
These tips are really just skimming the surface of what you can do with Snapchat to aid in your recruiting efforts. For more tips and tricks, contact one of our marketing educators today!