Almost every Monday at our weekly team meeting, I have some recommendation of something to read, or at least a reminder of the value of reading. (This week’s recommendation was Getting Real by 37Signals.) I strongly believe that reading opens up new worlds and new ideas. Oh, and a recent study suggests it will make you happier too! (At least happier than if you spent your time watching TV instead!)
Two enewsletters were in my inbox this morning that I read rather religiously. The first: PRACTICAL PSYCHOLOGY by Lloyd J. Thomas, Ph.D. is not pretty but I can count on it for having one really great article. Today’s article was entitled, “Communicate Simply.” One part struck me so much I just had to share it.
“Life itself is very simple. We are the ones that make it complicated. Here are some simple, but powerful principles, simply expressed, any one of which, if followed, can make a profoundly positive difference in your life.
“Speak the truth. Love your neighbor as yourself. Revere Life. Simplify. Be happy. Enjoy yourself. Travel lightly. Act kindly. Be gentle. Breathe deeply. Focus your attention. Be aware. Learn through practice. Take action. Exercise. Eat right. You reap what you’ve sown. Take charge of yourself. Act compassionately. Know yourself. Make a plan. Think ahead. Laugh a lot. Be fully conscious. Practice creativity. Accept everything, condone little. Read great books. Forgive everything. Judge not. Be peaceful inside. Be a friend. Cooperate. Fear not. Share. Learn as you go. Make conscious choices. Preserve nature. Understand natural laws. Make music. Live abundantly. Death is inevitable. Care for children. Perform useful work. Practice stillness. Be well. Take full responsibility for yourself. Accumulate only what you need. Let go of the past. Live in the present moment. Think positive thoughts. Do small things with great caring. Be generous. Know yourself. Be curious. Appreciate the little things. Dream big dreams. Risk making mistakes. Create your happiness. Pursue your envisioned future.”
It doesn’t get any simpler or truer than that.
Then I read (and yes this is how I start every day!) an article from CIO Insight that caught my eye: “The IT Skills You Need to Get through the Recession of 2009.” I completely agree with Eric Lundquist that these skills are important for IT but I think most apply to any position, not just IT. Here at Haley Marketing, we have done a great job of creating a team of people who excel at all of these skills (well only a few can say they have #10 and 14), and it pays off daily, and not just on our bottom line.
Your takeaway? Read! Learn! Apply the knowledge!