Try picking up the phone and calling 10 CEOs or high level decision makers unannounced. How many do you think you’ll actually speak with? More than likely you’ll have a great one-way conversation with their voice mail!
The good news…the phone isn’t your only direct access point to decision makers. In fact, a growing percentage of business leaders are extremely active in social media. And they are open and have their guard down. There’s no receptionist screening tweets and there is no one in their LinkedIn account telling you they “just stepped into a meeting.”
Oftentimes, social media can serve as a direct channel to the decision maker without any pesky gait keeper to turn you away. The key though is choosing the right social network for your audience. To help, here is some interesting data from a recent study conducted by Forrester Research on where CEOs, Executives and decision makers spend their social media time:
Key takeaways?
Decision makers tend to use LinkedIn primarily for business than any of the other social networks.
On the flip side, only 2% of respondents reported using Facebook primarily for business.
Twitter usage still outranked Google+ with decision makers (but don’t neglect Google+ because it’s growing quickly and has SEO importance too).
Usage of independent communities or forums continues to be strong so don’t neglect those networks.
If you have strong brand, consider starting your own forum and encouraging usage.