Earlier this week, I explained two different Facebook advertising campaigns to reach your marketing objective, Engagement and Traffic. We shared some data from our Social Pro program that showed each marketing objective achieved the goal it set out to accomplish.
Now, I want to share some data that we’ve compiled through collecting candidate applications and leads for staffing agencies and recruiters. Facebook provides an incredible opportunity to reach your target candidate and drive applications – either through Facebook or back through a job posting on your staffing website.
We’re going to look at three different staffing agencies – one in construction and industrial, one in healthcare and one in the professional side. With each staffing agency working in a unique industry, the data will show how using Facebook to recruit works for a variety of jobs.
Example 1 – Construction Staffing Agency in the Southeast
The first client is a regional staffing agency in the southeast part of the United States. They utilize our Facebook Re-Recruiting and Social Recruiting programs to target job candidates. The Re-Recruiting program builds an audience that is a combination of recent website visitors and email addresses from their candidate database. The social recruiting program builds an audience based on geography and job titles.
Each of those programs serves a different purpose. The Re-Recruiting program keeps your staffing agency top of mind with job candidates who are familiar with your staffing agency. The Social Recruiting program builds your audience by targeting new job candidates who are in your target audience.
For this program, we are using the Lead Generation marketing objective. The two campaigns have been running in this format since November 2016 (nearly 16 months). The results have been awesome:
- Facebook Re-Recruiting: 842 leads collected at a cost of $2.68/lead
- Facebook Social Recruiting: 239 leads collected at a cost of $9.41/lead
A lead equals a job candidate who provides their name, email address and phone number in a form that pops up when they click on the ad.
Example 2 – Healthcare Staffing Agency in California
Our second example stems from a staffing agency in Southern California that focuses on placing surgical technicians and sterile technicians. The healthcare industry can be very competitive, but that target audience spends a lot of time on Facebook.
This staffing agency also invests heavily in Facebook. When they started working with the Haley Marketing Group, their total number of likes was just over 200. Earlier this month, they topped 10,000 likes!
Why are likes important in this example? In Facebook advertising, we can create ads that target just those 10,000+ likes. Those people are exactly the target audience we want.
Recently, after talking with the client, they really needed IAHCSMM sterile techs. Utilizing the lead generation technique in Facebook ads and targeting their 10,000 likes, we were able to deliver incredible results: 71 leads at a cost of $3.86/lead!
(Actually, the client contacted us about a week ago and said to stop the campaign since they were getting overwhelmed with the leads.)
We’ve run a number of different campaigns to collect candidate leads for this client during the past two-plus years. In collecting more than 500 leads (505 to be exact), the cost per candidate was only $3.64! That confirms our recent smaller sample size wasn’t an anomaly, and we’ve been able to provide a consistent cost per lead during an extended time period.
Example 3 – Professional Staffing Agency on the East Coast
This client staffs for a number of professional industries (accounting, administrative, information technology, insurance, sales, legal). They utilize our Facebook Re-Recruiting program as we target their candidate database and recent visitors to their Job Board.
The last example doesn’t use the lead generation format, but we are able to track their cost per applicant through the conversion pixel.
Without getting too technical, the Facebook pixel allows us to gather data from a Facebook user who clicks on your Facebook ad. The pixel observes their behavior when they are engaging with your staffing agency’s website.
For example, a job candidate sees your ad on Facebook. They click on the ad and are sent to the Job Board on your staffing agency’s website. If they apply for a job, the Facebook pixel records that behavior and we can get a cost per applicant.
For this staffing agency, Facebook recruitment has generated 424 applications on their website at a cost of $2.90/application!
Why Is This Important?
Determining the return on investment is a challenge for any marketing. If you can learn the ROI for any of your marketing activities, that will allow your staffing agency to make more informed decisions.
At the Haley Marketing Group, whether it’s through Facebook advertising, Google PPC, programmatic advertising, or any other content marketing, one of our internal goals has been to deliver better return on investment. Recruitment marketing demands a strong ROI, and this blog shows how to provide just that.
If you are interested in learning more about we can help, don’t hesitate to contact our team today!