Create Ongoing Instagram Content by Showcasing Your Talented Employees

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Finding consistent content for your Instagram feed can be tricky. If you’re a 9-5 office like us, there are only so many pictures you can take of birthday parties, team meetings and new employees. When your ideas get stale, you’re less likely to post, and next thing you know, you haven’t updated your Instagram feed in a month. To avoid reaching that point, I suggest creating a long-running series that will showcase something you’re proud of: Your employees.

Haley Marketing Group

In order to share premium content throughout the month, we created a series of “Employee Spotlight” posts that stand out amongst the rest of our content (literally stands out – check out our feed). Our designers used colors from the Haley Marketing Group logo for the background of the images to ensure they reflect our brand. I used our employee list in alphabetical order so I don’t forget anyone! And then I post every 3rd post onto our Instagram feed (except for Star Wars May the Fourth post which broke up the order and still bothers me…) I ask each employee what their favorite part of working at HMG is, and then I add a fact or two if there’s room in the caption.

This is a fun way to acknowledge employees. It encourages likes, comments and reposting. Sometimes even their moms will like and comment! It’s also a great way for clients to put faces with the voices they hear over the phone.

Haley Marketing Group

To have a fun Instagram feed, it’s important to get inspiration outside the staffing industry. I “borrowed” this idea from a club at a local college. An industry that focuses on jobs and job fairs can get repetitive if you don’t get inspired to shake things up.

Haley Marketing Group

Don’t be afraid to take a few chances with your Instagram feed to let it show off your company’s unique personality. For more tips on how to make the most out of Instagram for your business, click here.

Haley Marketing Group

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